Installation and configuration

Environmental variables



EMPATH is an environmental variable that keeps the Standard Scripts; that is, lua scripts that are meant to be used on a daily basis. Setting the empath is as simple as:

# On Linux and macOS

export EMPATH=/some/directory/where/scripts/are/stored
# On windows
set EMPATH /some/directory/where/scripts/are/stored

This allows, for example, checking the information within a model by doing:

emp model getinfo # Note that the .lua is not strictly needed.

and the information regarding the number of layers, components, materials, views, workplanes and more will be written to the standard output.

Checking that it works

By running


you should see the Usage message

emp {--help|-h}        : prints this message
emp {--version|-v}        : prints version
emp {--about|-a}        : prints about
emp --checkpath        : prints the EMPATH variable

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